GE Free Zones in BC
Powell River (2004) — Salt Spring Island (2004) — Denman Island (2004) — Nelson (Nov 2008) — Kaslo (Jan 2009) — New Denver (Sept 2009) — Rossland (May 2009) — Richmond (May 2012) — Saanich (Nov 2012) — Metchosin (Nov 2012) — Cherryville (March 2013) — Telkwa (March 2013) — City of North Vancouver (June 2013) — Roberts Creek (Sep 2013)
Cherryville (AREA 'E' of RDNO) and Rural Lumby (AREA 'D' of RDNO) both voted over 92% to be GE FREE (Spring 2013).
Why was the Seralini Study on GMO Toxicity retracted?
As the Corporation invades scientific publications, the controversial Seralini paper on the toxicological effects of Monsanto GM corn (it caused cancer in lab rats) was retracted. Here is the story behind the retraction, and a detailed response and analysis of this situation by a group of independent scientists who oppose GMOs. Finally, here is an analysis of the retraction decision and the reasons why it took place.
Index (latest first) to news around the world about GMO and the corporations that market them.